Apple iTunes is a digital media player software which was developed by Jeff Robbin and Bill Kincaid back in 1998 and was known as SoundJam. The software was originally made to be an MP3 player and was officially released by Casady & Greene in 1999.

SoundJam Software was purchased by Apple in the year 2000. Apple gave the software a new interface and feature to burn CDs. Apple also removed the recording and skin support feature and they released it under the name iTunes.

iTunes was officially introduced by Apple on January 10, 2001 at the Mac-world Expo which takes place every year in San Francisco.

iTunes was introduced to for users giving them the ability to play and organize digital music and video files.

The main use of the software is to create an easy interface to manage the contents of Apple’s popular digital media player, the iPod.

In addition, iTunes software connects to the iTunes Store, a special online music store to download purchased digital music, music videos, television shows, iPod games, various podcasts, and movies.

iTunes was able to run only on Macintosh, however with iTunes 4.1, Apple added support for Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

However, since the release of Windows Vista, Apple has announced that there are several issues with the iTunes software which maked it incompatible with Microsoft’s newest operating system, Windows Vista.

Apple also developed a special version of iTunes which runs on popular mobile phones such as the Motorola RAZR, Motorola ROKR, and Motorola SLVR.

It is good to note that Apple iTunes software can be downloaded for free from Apple official website.
iTunes Software is bundled with all Macintosh computers and some iPods and supplied with Mac OS X.

iTunes comes as well with Apple iLife suite for running multimedia applications.