Middle East Awards
Top rated Middle East Awards

Akel Hawa Golden Awards Spring 2009

Akel Hawa Golden Awards Summer 2009

Arab Boy Next Door 2010

Arab Revolution Women of the Year Award

Banadoura d Or

Beirut International Awards Festival – BIAF

Best Arab Fan

Best Radio Station in Lebanon Award 2009

Golden Murex Award – Murex Dor

Golden Murex Award 2000

Golden Murex Award 2001

Golden Murex Award 2002

Golden Murex Award 2003

Golden Murex Award 2004

Golden Murex Award 2005

Hot Arab Men

Hottest Music Teacher

Hummus and Tabbouleh Guinness Records


Melody wins golden middle east prize at Epica international festival

Miss Arab USA Pageant

Miss Arab World

Most Powerful Lebanese Woman 2008

Most Powerful Lebanese Woman for 2007

Most Powerful Lebanese Women 2009

Most Powerful Lebanese Women for the year 2006

Mr. Photogenic Arabia

Murex Dor 2009 Awards

Nominations for Most Powerful Lebanese Woman 2008

Sexiest and Most Desirable Arab Women Alive 2009

Sexiest Arab Male Model

Sexiest Arab Man

Sexiest Arab Men 2010

Sexiest Arab Starlet 2010

Sexiest Arab Top Model

Sexiest Arabian Prince