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As far as he remembers, Alex Harvey have always been on two wheels or two skis. Going to the amusement park, the Parc du Mont Sainte-Anne is an ideal location and renowned worldwide and therefore ideal for development as an athlete in cross country skiing in mountain biking. He did his secondary education at the Secondary School Mont Sainte-Anne in the Cross-study program.

Alex Harvey completed a CED CEGEP François-Xavier Garneau with several distance learning courses.

Alex Harvey is currently a student at the Faculty of Law at Laval University.

Here are the results of which Alex Harvey achieved.

* Double bronze medalist at the World Cup in my first season as a senior
* Silver medalist and double bronze medalist at the world junior championship
* Winner of the Canada Cup in 2009
* Canadian Junior Champion 2005, 2006 and 2007
Canadian Senior Championship * 2006 (at age 16 while still in junior)

The short, medium and long term

* Top 10 World Cup
* Being a skier Senior dominant internationally in 2014
* 2010 Olympics, Vancouver