Edgard Aoun is a Lebanese Tenor and Opera Singer.

Edgard Aoun studied Opera singing in Italy and France, while he continued his singing classes in Lebanon with Mrs. Badiha Sabra Haddad.

In 1997, Edgard Aoun prepared his diploma with Victoria de Los Angelos in Sienna-Italy.

Edgard Aoun released an Opera CD with Plovdiv Orchestra, featuring a number of arias from various known operas such as Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni, Elégie by Jules Massenet and Après un rêve by Gabriel Fauré, Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi (La donna è mobile), l’Elisir d’amore by Gaetano Donizetti (Una furtiva lagrima), Tosca by Giacomo Puccini (E lucevan le stelle and Recondita armonia), and Pagliacci by Ruggero Leoncavallo.

Edgard Aoun is sometimes dubbed the Luciano Pavarotti of the Middle East. He has taken part in many recitals around the world including a recital at Budapest Operetta in Hungary with Pest Symphony Orchestra (2003), in Jordan with the Jordanian Orchestra (2003), at Falcon Amphitheater – Nicosia – Cyprus (2000), at Shweikh Palace in Kuwait (2000), in Elias Rahbany Concert at Casino du Liban and UNESCO Lebanon, in “Festival Lyrique en Marmandais” – France (1998)…

He is currently employed as a theater manager and the Music and Vocal teacher at the St. Joseph School in Metn, Lebanon.