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Abdel Halim Hafez better known in the middle east as Al Andaleeb Al Asmar – the Dark Nightingale. His full name is Abdel Halim Ismail Shabana, Abil Halim was born on the 21st of June 1929. Abdel Halim Hafez is one of the most famous Egyptian singers around the Middle East. His popularity was not only as a singer but as an actor with a career in music and movies which spanned from the 50s to the 70s.

Abdel Halim stayed singled and was not married, many rumors however say that he was secretly married to famous Egyptian actress Souad Hosni.
Surprisingly, Souad Hosni died on Abdel Halim Hafez birthday in the year 2001, many thought of her death as a suicide.

Abdel Halim Hafez died on the 30th of March 1977, at the age of 48 after some complications during his treatment for Bilharzia, while he was in King College Hospital in London.