The following is an interview with Maya Nehme, the young pop singer behind the hit Michta2.
Maya Nehmeh was a previous candidate on the reality TV show Star Academy in its 3rd season. After the show ended, we saw her again a few more times on talk shows and interviews. Sure she had a cool personality and would often do spontaneous things on air (a rarity in the Arab World if you ask us), but we never felt she would really make it… until recently when we rediscovered her under a new light, in a fresh start, a strong come back!
This energetic woman has blossomed and is now ready to fight back and get the recognition she deserves.
Michta2 is a very interesting track. There is something very fresh and unique about it. And we won’t try to conceal the fact that Maya’s new image also completely blew us away! So we just had to further investigate 🙂
Hello Maya, thank you for doing this interview.

Hello all and you are welcome anytime.
We really liked your song Michta2. The music is very catchy and modern. It sounds like something Michael Jackson would have done, but mixed with oriental sounds and singing. It’s very fresh, and it might just go into our top 10 songs for this year! Tell us a bit who helped you with it. Was it fully Walid Al Massih’s creation, or do you brainstorm together etc..How does it work?

Well 1st thank you for your comments about the song. When we do music me and Walid it’s always about brainstorming. I do the lyrics and the composition and Walid deals with the creativity productive part, he tries to direct the song into a commercial popish style. At New Wave Productions we have a great team of producers who get involved in all our work and they help so much.
Who is the male voice that accompanies you in Michta2, is it also Walid?

Yes, it’s Walid.
The combination of both your voices is actually really good, we love it! What style of music can this be labeled as?

You can label it as new Michael Jakson. He is the King of Pop in the end 🙂
Ok fair enough haha. We know your debut album will be out soon. Will the other songs also be in a similar style? Because you also recently released Habibi Enta in a similar mood. When will the album be launched? And have you picked a name for it yet?

Well we have some different style songs in the album just to satisfy all listeners. But our main style is the electro pop one 🙂 We still don’t know exactly when is the launching and no name yet for the album.
mmmm Ok, we heard there could be a duo song on the album, is it with an Arab or an International singer. Can we know more?

Well there are 4 duets in the album, but one duet with Walid in the Arabic album, and 3 duets in the English album (it’s 2 albums). One with BELIME another one with R&B Singer CJ SARY and another one with international artist I can’t say the name now 🙂
Wow that seems like an exciting project, looking forward to it. Will any be shot as a music video?

All the album will be shot as music videos.
Ok cool, you are doing it the Beyonce Knowles way; she usually does all her songs too 🙂 We noticed a change in your overall look (body, dance moves, outfits, etc…), you have ‘sexed’ it up a bit. Do you agree? We are not complaining, on the contrary we are actually very pleased lol, but we would like your comment about that.

I’m married 🙂 I was a child, now I’m a woman and my husband loves my new look 🙂
We love it too, and your husband clearly has good taste 😉 Thank you a lot for this small interview. Would you like to add anything else?

I want to thank you for this interview, and tell you without you reporters and fans, artists wouldn’t exist. Keep up the great work and I love you all.