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Your Blood can make the difference!

Lebanese civilians have been under the constant attack of Israel for several days. Up until now more than 200 Lebanese civilians have been killed, several hundreds wounded.

The lebanese Red Cross URGENTLY needs Blood of ANY type. Injured people need your help, this is really serious !!
Please donate Blood in any red cross center… just call your red cross center in your area (numbers listed below) and you’ll get all the instructions. The whole donation process would only take about 20 minutes!

For all the immigrants, please call your friends and relatives in Lebanon and urge them to donate blood as soon as possible..

You may donate blood if you:
are in good health and feel well
are at least 17 years of age.
weight at least 45 Kg
do not have serious heart or lung disease
do not have any form of cancer or AIDS
are not pregnant
have eaten recently

Phone Numbers:
General number: 140 and 112
Beirut: 01-372 802/3/4/5
Tripoli: 06-602510, 06-520748
Antelias: 04524164 and 03202683
Tyr (Sour): 07-740070
Jounieh: 09-832260, 09-930642, 09- 930342, 09-931750
Zahleh: 08-824892, 08-820735
Saida: 07-722131, 07-720091, 07-722532