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Schedule of Peaceful Rallies around the World to Protest attacks on Lebanon
Timings for the demonstrations are in Local time

Tuesday July 18, 2006

Canada, Montreal – (5:00PM) PMDORCHESTER SQUARE, 1155 METCALFE

Canada, Tornoto – (5:00PM) Yonge St & Dundas St (Dundas Square across Eaton Center)

Germany, Stuttgart – (6 PM) Schlossplatz in Stuttgart (downtown)

Qatar, Doha – (8:30 PM) Lebanese School of Doha

UAE, Abu Dhabi (7:00PM) in front of the Lebanese embassy Abu Dhabi

France, Grenoble – (6 PM) Place Félix Poullat, Grenoble

Greece, Athens – (7 PM) In front of EVAGILISMOS Hospital

Italy, Torino – (5:30PM) Piazza Castello

London – (9PM – 10.30PM) on Parliament Sq. London.

UAE / Abu Dahbi – (6 PM) in front of the Lebanese embassy in Abu Dhabi

USA / Detroit Michigan – (5 PM) Intersection of Warren and Oakman in East Dearborn

USA / Washington – (5-7pm) at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW – in front of the White House

USA / New York (Manhattan) Tuesday July 18, (4-6pm) at UN headquarters First Ave between 42nd St. and 48th St.

USA / University of Berkeley campus – (12 – 2 PM ) Sproul plaza

USA/ Chicago (7 PM) Location: Our Lady of Lebanon Church Address: 950 N. Grace St, Lombard, IL Tel #: (630) 932-9640

USA / New York – (4-6pm) at UN headquarters First Ave between 42nd St. and 48th St.

USA / Dearborn – (5:00pm) on Warren and Oakman

Wednesday July 19, 2006

Australia, Sydney – (12 noon – 3PM), at Wynyard Park on York Street Sydney (behind Wynyard station).

Switzerland, Genève – (6 PM) Sur le Pont du Mont-Blanc côté Jardin Anglais (contact:

Togo, Lome – (7 PM)

USA / Boston – (4-7pm) at Gibran Khalil Gibran’s sculpture which is at Coplay Place, Boston

USA / LA (4:00 PM to 6:00 PM) Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles 6380 Wilshire Blvd, LA (near Wilshire & San Vicente)

USA / Florida (12 PM) Place: Turlington Hall – University of Florida

Thursday July 20, 2006

Germany, Stade – (3PM) Street: Am Sande

Qatar, Doha – (8: 30 PM) Location: Lebanese School


Madrid (7:30 PM) from Puerta del Sol to Plaza de ?pera (Isabel II).

Barcelona (8:00 PM) Plaça Sant Jaume

Tarragona (7:30 PM) Rambla Nova. Estatua dels Despullats

Lleida (8:00 PM) Plaça Paeria

Saturday July 22, 2006

France, Dijon – Place Darcy (13h30)

Australia, Adelaide – (12PM) at Parliament house in Adelaide

London – (12PM) march from Parliament sqare to Marble Arch

Netherlands, Amsterdam – At the Beursplein