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Click here to Learn more about Hizboulla

Below is information about the Missiles and Rockets which Hizboulla are using to attack Israel.

Fajr 3 missile
This is an Iranian built rocket that has a range of 45km. This rocket can carry a 45 kg warhead. Israel accused Hizbollah of firing 240mm Fajr-3 missiles against Haifa. Iran on the other hand denies supplying these missiles to Hezbollah.

Fajr 5 missile
This is a Longer range version of Fajr 3 that can strike targets up to 72km away from its launching point.

Raad rocket (Thunder rocket)
This is also an Iranian built rocket with a range of around 120 km. It is assumed that this rocket if fired from south Lebanon, it could reach tel aviv in the center of Israel. The Israelis accused Hizbollah of firing Raad missiles during their attacks on israel. On the other hand Hizbollah confirmed that they have fired Raad missiles.

Katiusha rocket
This is a Russian designed missile, Katiushas have a short range of 22km and are not so accurate. Israel accused Syria of supplying Hizbollah such rockets.

These rockets have a very short range of up to 10km. These rockets were used by Hamas movement in the Palestinian Gaza. Israeli town of Sederot has recieved many of suck inaccurate missiles during the past few years.