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After Paul the Psychic Octopus from Germany, here is Mani the parrot fortuneteller from Singapore!

Mani is a seven-year-old parakeet with divinatory abilities residing with his owner Munniyappan (also a clairvoyant) in Singapore’s historic “little India” district. For years he has been predicting for locals on all sorts of life issues like fortune, love and relationships. Mani is said to have a striking success rate of 83% on random predictions.

Mani became famous worldwide in 2010 after he correctly predicted the outcome of the football matches of the FIFA World Cup. Mani the Parrot foresaw the four semi-finalists (Holland, Uruguay, Germany and Spain), and announced the Dutch team as the final Champion winner of the World Cup for 2010. Paul the Octopus disagreed and announced Spain as the winner!

In the end, Mani the parrot turned out to be a bum when it comes to football predictions, because Spain won the World Cup!