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faw2 jrouhi or Faw’ Jroohi is the title of the new nawal song for her children against her ex-husband.

The song is a shout to let her live and take custody of her children.

Faw Jrouhi was a surprise song during Star Academy prime 5 of season 7. Nawal stirred the emotions of everyone even those people who are not big fans.

It is worth to note that many people might mistake the name of the song as Betrajak Tkhalihom, to watch the video of Faw2 Jrouhi by Nawal Zoghby make sure to watch Betrajak Tkhalihom Nawal Zoghby Video.

You can also read the lyrics of the song by checking the official website of

During the Fifth Prime of StarAc 7, Nawal sang her song Mona Einah and Salehouni Allieh with the students, then came back on stage solo to sing her song Faw2 Jrouhi which means (On My Wounds), the song had strong lyrics which made many people emotional, especially those who love Nawal and know her story and her suffering with her exhusband Elie Deeb.