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Khan al-Khayateen Bazaar in Tripoli Lebanon (Tailors’ Market) is an old caravansary specialized in textile products.

Khan al-Khayateen (Souk el Khayyateen Khan Al Khayyatin, or Khan al Khiyateen) is basically a high-rise Inn built around a narrow court for accommodating caravans and shoppers.

It is one of the few known souks with such an architecture. It was recently renovated in 2007 with the support of Spain, and the stone walls (ramleh bricks) were plastered and whitewashed.

Khan al-Khayateen is part of the Old Souks of Tripoli, which regroup Souk Al Attareen (Spice sellers market), Souk Al Sagha (Gold market), and Khan Al Saboun (Soap khan)…

Souk el Khayyateen mostly showcases oriental, traditional Lebanese clothing, as well as conservative Islamic attire.