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Since the invention of Smoking, people have became addicted, many ways have been devised to quit this bad habbit.

Some of the methods of quitting smoking have proved to be good, others have been useless.

Today we list for you 5 easy methods to help you quit smoking forever.

Choose a day to quit smoking
Tomorrow or next week, or this year resolution, proved to be a total failure, you need to give yourself an exact date to make this happen.

Choose 2 or more quit-smoking techniques
There are many techniques to quit smoking such as joining a support group or throwing your cigarette packs; You have to adapt at least two methods at the same time to get better results. For the full list of Quit smoking Techniques check out our encyclopedia.

Go for an Exercise of to Gym
Start a new habit on your quit day, make sure you join a gym, or go out for a walk with friends or even alone.
Take your mind off the cigarettes, think of other meaningful things in life.

Stop Smoking Completely on your Quit day
On the big day, make sure that you stop smoking completely, you are not supposed to smoke less or little, you are supposed to stop.

Do not give up, Keep trying to Quit
Just in case you failed to keep the new lifestyle, if you had to smoke for some reason, make sure you start the quit process as soon as possible. Do not let yourself slip again for this bad habit.