Mister Lebanon 2011 Pageant aired on Murr Television – MTV Lebanon on the 18th of December 2010.

Out of 19 handsome Lebanese men who competed for the title, Roy Imad was crowned as Mister Lebanon 2011. The 1st runner up was Mohammad el Haj, and
2nd runner up Marwan Sueidan. Giorgio Kamel received the title of Mister Personality, and Rabih Bader that of Mister Photogenic.

Other candidates that made it to the semi-finals included: Mustapha Najia, David Ghazarian, Hicham Berro, Mohamad Saleme,and Oliver Obeid.

The Roman themed event was held at Casino Du Liban, and was hosted by Wissam Hanna and Abir Layous. It is important to note that the procession was taped in advance and edited prior to its broadcast; a wise precaution after the mess its live predecessor turned out to be last year.

The guest singers were Zein El Omr and Dominique Hourani.

The Jury for Mister Lebanon 2011 was composed of Marie Jose Hnein, Roger Moukarzel, Mirna Khayat Abou Elias, Dr. Elie Dib, Zakia Bouiftilen(Mission Fashion), Ward El Khal, Ahmad el Wazzan (Ministry of Tourism), Rima Sayrafi (journalist), Dr. Walid Zaraet (Dentist), and Myriam Benzerga.

The answers were catastrophic as usual so we won’t go through them in details, but the best and most natural answer was that of Rabih in response to Rima’s question: A man’s eyes and stare is what gives him all his masculinity. They say women like to look into mirrors and admire their beauty, but I know men do so too, so pretend you are looking into one at the moment and tell us what would you tell yourself?

The answer: ‘Dakhil hal 3youn el helwin haha’. This Lebanese slang expression lightened the whole mood of the event for a short while.

The common question at the end was: The water crisis in Lebanon is approaching, as a Lebanese citizen what can you do help officials conserve water and control its consumption.

Marwan gave the most complete and well organized answer: ‘unfortunately, we are getting to the stage where water will become more valuable than oil in the world, and this a disaster that will face Lebanon. I invite to create an association to instruct the Lebanese society and that for all ages, like teaching in schools how to control water consumption because it should start at a personal level. For sure I also invite to recycle used household water to be used for irrigation projects in Lebanon. Also it could help to build water dams, to protect the natural water resource of Lebanon.’