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latest update on Hayfa wehbeh wedding
The spectacular Wedding of star Hayfa wehbeh and Egyptian businessman Ahmad Abou Hashima is on of the biggest weddings in history. The wedding cost will reach more than 10 million dollars. The guests of hayfa wedding are from all over the middle east and the world, guests arrived to Beirut in more than 140 private jets and planes.

The wedding ballroom at Biel downtown Beirut, with high security level of security to insure a smooth and nice experience for the guests of the wedding.

Big names and celebrities will be attending Hayfa wedding including Amr Diab, Najwa Karam, Fadel Shaker, Nawal El Zoghby, Ahlam, and Nancy Ajram.

Enrique Iglesias will entertain the guests, while Lebanese superstar Ragheb Alamah will wed the couple as they make their way to the ballroom in BIEL.

Eventhough Haifa Wehbe is Shiite, the religious marriage will be in accordance with Ahmad Hashims’s Sunni tradition.

Their honeymoon will last for one week only, because of the couple busy business life, their honeymoon destination is in a secret European country.

Haifa Wehbe wedding gown is designed by a world-class French fashion house, Haifa’s makeup is by Bassam Fattouh.

The wedding will not be broadcast right now, as Abu Hashima disagreed to Haifa when she made such a suggestion.
He was concerned about the privacy of the VIPs guests attending their wedding.

One official photographer will be take photos during the wedding and later hand out the photographs to journalists after few days.

Elissa will not be attending Hayfa wehbeh wedding due to her latest fight.

Haifa Wehbeh Wedding is one of the biggest wedding in the middle east.

Haifa Wehbe got married to Egyptian business man Ahmad Abu Hashimeh or Ahmad Abou Hashima who works in Africa.

Haifa Wehbe wedding ceremony is scheduled for Friday the 24th of April 2009.

There are reports that Haifa Wehbe’s wedding will be broadcast LIVE on some TV channels!

Rumors say that Hayfa Wehbeh has signed a couple of deals with a few Television stations to broadcast her wedding ceremony to world.

Amr Diab will be the main attraction and will be the one entertaining the guests of Hayfa Wedding.