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Jardelle is a Lebanese model and a controversial internet celebrity.

Jardelle, sometimes called Jardelle Wehbe, was born on 28 April 1985. She is the alleged secret half sister of pop diva Hayfa Wehbeh. If we are to believe the rumor, Haifa supposedly doesn’t have just 3 sisters (including Rola Yamout), but also has a stepsister Jardelle which is the result of Haifa’s dad extra-conjugal relation with a christian woman. Because in Islam this is against sharia law, she was kept as a hidden secret.

Although there isn’t any clear proof at the time being, people on the internet often point out to the striking resemblance between the two. To note that it isn’t that infrequent to come across Haifa look-alikes, afterall she is a benchmark in Arab plastic beauty and many women are known to copy her image (see Plastic Surgery Statistics)…the long list includes Amar singer, Indian actress Rakhi Sawant, and Lebanese model Rosy Daou just to name a few.

Jardelle is mostly just popular on the internet like on Youtube or her blog, where she expresses her sensuality, creativity, and beauty.

Jardelle is a big supporter of Haifa though, and often makes instructional make up videos based on her style.