Samy Messaoud is a controversial French singer of Arab descent.
Samy Messaoud Merlos became famous for releasing in June 2011 an electro-dance French song called “Je Suis Gay”, and performing in different French venues alongside Natasha St Pier and Allan Theo.
He is a bit compared to Sin With Sebastian (aka Sebastian Roth) who released in 1995 “Shut Up (and Sleep with Me)”.
French reviews (mostly electronic) labelled him the gay version of Cindy Sanders, referring to his poor vocal skills.
Other than the lyrics («Les perles de ma mère, je m’habille, les talons aiguilles, je fais mon défilé, égayé sur le chemin, je comprends soudain: “je suis gay, je suis homo!”»), the controversy was mostly due to the trashy music video. He appears naked with a couple, and in other scenes dancing at a gay club.