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Naji Jaber, better known for his television name Abou Antar or Abu 3antar is a renowned Syrian actor. Naji Jaber was born in Shahba, al-Swaidaa, Syria in the year 1945. He passed away on the 30th of March 2009 after a long fight with illness at the age of 64, he was laid to rest on Tuesday at 12:30 pm in Damascus, Syria.

In the year 1972 Naji Jaber joined the Syrian Artists Union.

The artistic and cultural circles have lost the Naji Jaber known as (Abu Antar). He died on Monday morning after a protracted struggle with illness.

Naji Jaber (Abou Antar) participated in various Television series, plays and films, he worked mostly with Duraid Laham (Gawar Al Tousheh) and Nihad Kalei (Housny Al Borazan).

Naji Jaber is the brother of the late actor Mahmoud Jaber, who passed away in July 2008, He is also the brother of syrian actor Haitham Jaber.