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Maya Ababadjani is a Danish actress of Lebanese-Arab origins.

Maya Ababadjani, also known as Maya Sørensen or Maya Shakur was born on the 3rd of January 1984 in Palestine. Her biological parents were Lebanese, but she was adopted by a Danish family at an early age.

Maya Ababadjani made her first appearances in erotic movies like, Maya and Maya’s Dating, but later on participated in non-erotic Danish movies like Beton Hjerter (Concrete Hearts) and Pusher II (movie).

The erotic movies she participated in, were mostly produced by the well-known Danish producer Michael Zile.

Because of her Arab background, her choice of profession was very problematic; Maya Shakur was shunned by the Arab and Muslim community of Denmark that saw in her a breach of traditional Arab modesty and conservatism. On several occasions, Maya reportedly received death-threats,. and was physically assaulted by a Muslim man, in connection with a performance in Copenhagen. Maya responded to the assaults and threats, by promising to continue her career in the movie industry. To note that Arab communities in Europe are often much more radical and conservative than in their original countries.

Maya Shakur also appeared in the music video for “Redirecting” by Danish metal band Blow.

Maya starred as Samira next to Amar El-Khatib in Betonhjerter or Hearts of Concrete(2005), a movie about Muhammed an ex criminal from the most infamous of ghettos in Denmark.

See also Francois Sagat and Yasmine Lafitte.