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Adam Sandler is a American comedian celebrity actor, and film producer. Adam Sandler is also a musician and a screenwriter.

His full name is Adam Richard Sandler, Adam was born on the 9th September 1966 in the United States.

Adam Sandler first roles in acting were in Saturday Night Live, he went on to star in several Hollywood feature films that grossed over US$100 million at the box office.

Though he is best known for his roles as a comedian in the 1995 movie Billy Madison, in 1996 in the movie Happy Gilmore.

He had big success in the 1999 movie Big Daddy and and Mr. Deeds in 2002.

Adam Sandler had success in romantic movies such as The Wedding Singer in 1998.

In the early 2000s he had good roles in Punch-Drunk Love, Spanglish, and Reign Over Me.

In the year 2009 he appeared in a family movie called Bed Time Stories.