Here are the available frequencies for Nagham Telelvision to watch Star Academy Live 24/7 on 3 different satellites:
Arabsat (Currently named Badr) Move your dish to: Badr 6 (26 E)
LBC Nagham: 11823 V 27500, FTA
Hotbird (6/7A/8, 13 E)
Not available, please watch LBC Europe on Hotbird for Primes and Dailies only
Nilesat (Atlantic Bird 4, 7 W)
Not available, please watch LBC on Nilesat for Primes and Dailies only
How about the rest of the world?
Nagham TV does not broadcast online officially however many users from the world are streaming live the nagham channel on justin television
Watch Star Academy Six Online Live 24/7 Nagham