Wiam Wahhab has recently undergone Hair Transplant Surgery to restore his former hairline and regain back some of his youth.

Wiam Wahab, believed to be the most popular Lebanese politician today, (known as the “Rock Star” of political talk shows!) has recently taken action to improve his physical appearance.

In an interview once on Al Jadeed TV’s morning show hosted by Samar Abou Khalil, Wiam had actually expressed his jealousy of Amine Gemayel’s full head of hair. Wiam was attacking Amine politically and when teased by the host as to why he is so aggressive towards him, he laughed and made a joke about how Amine is always obsessed with his hair and probably stays hours to fix them before leaving his home. When Samar teased him further pointing out to a possible jealousy, he laughed and added of course.. what man wouldn’t wish to have such great hair at such an advanced age, and he also made fun of his bald head…

Wiam has been appearing on TV with more and more hair gradually sprouting above his forehead each time.

Up to the day we wrote this article, no one has mentioned it or seem to have taken notice of it though, despite the fact that the difference is obvious (check the photo above).

So what do you think of Wiam’s new hair restoration?
Win or Fail?