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People Born Today

Photograph of Reese Witherspoon Person United States
Born on 22 March
Celebrity from United States
Born on 22 March
Celebrity from Jordan
Photograph of Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Person India
Born on 23 March
Celebrity from India
Photograph of Alyson Hannigan Person United States
Born on 24 March
Celebrity from United States
Photograph of Christopher Walken Person United States
Born on 31 March
Celebrity from United States
Photograph of Layla Zaher Person Egypt
Born on 30 March
Celebrity from Egypt
Photograph of Qusai Khouli Person Syria
Born on 30 March
Celebrity from Syria

People Who Died This Month

Photograph of Ibn Khaldoun Person Tunisia
Died on 19 March
Celebrity from Tunisia
Photograph of Mohammad Nabbous Person Libya
Died on 19 March
Celebrity from Libya
Photograph of Kamal Jumblatt Person Lebanon
Died on 16 March
Celebrity from Lebanon
Photograph of Zaki Nassif Person Lebanon
Died on 11 March
Celebrity from Lebanon
Photograph of Abdel Halim Hafez Person Egypt
Died on 30 March
Celebrity from Egypt
Photograph of Naji Jaber Abou Antar Person Syria
Died on 30 March
Celebrity from Syria
Photograph of Salwa Al Katrib Person Lebanon
Died on 02 March
Celebrity from Lebanon

Recently Updated

Photograph of Anthony Touma Person
Anthony Touma
Anthony Touma was born on the 21st of May 1992 in Paris-France, was raised in Lebanon since 1995, where I went to school and lived most of my childhood.
Photograph of Badih singer Person
Badih singer
Badih Abou-Said, a Lebanese singer born in Kuwait, comes from a family of four with a notable musical heritage.
Photograph of Moussa Atallah Person Lebanon
Moussa Atallah
Moussa Atallah is a Lebanese singer mostly known as Moussa the singer

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