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Milwaukees latest and greatest blog, with awesome stuff from around the web. For the latest on Milwaukee news, search engine optimization tips, and other random bits of internet madness.

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The story received over 10,000 Diggs by Monday morning and AT&T was quick to reverse what it had done and issue a PR statement about how it was a temporary action due to attacks coming from the 4chan site. Moot, the anonymous owner of 4chan, put out a statement calling for restraint in how 4chans often malicious users handle AT&Ts actions. Moot called for a sustained flood of calls to the AT&T call centers, where users could ask why this had been done. At one point yesterday AT&T CEO Randall Stephensons personal contact information was release and spread across the net and a story of his death circulated on CNNs iReport: post on Moots blog says that the whole incident was a misunderstanding and that AT&Ts move was not a sinister act of censorship. Still it will be interesting to see what, if any, retaliation comes from 4chans users. In the past, Anonymous has hacked Sarah Palins e-mail account, caused Apple stock to drop after a fake story about Steve Jobs death, screwed with Time Magazines 100 Most Influential People list, and generally screwed with Scientology.Way to go AT&T.at7/28/2009 09:18:00 AM0comments  Friday, June 26, 2009NASDAQ:GOOG - How To Get Listed In Google FinanceWell see if this actually works, but an article on Search Engine Roundtable implies that by simply including the phrase NASDAQ:GOOG in an article your website will pop up in a Google Finance search on Google. Youll probably need to already show up in Google News once in a while, but apparently this is all you need to do. Im guessing if you abuse this you will be taken out of Google Finance and Google News, but if you write an article about a publicly traded company and want people searching for that company to read your article, this might be the way to go. Im curious to see if this article will show up, as far as I know Ive never been in Google News, but if Google is crawling the internet and looking for places that mention it, it just might. Check out the article here: the Google News Help thread where a Google employee mentioned it: 08:34:00 AM0comments  Saturday, June 20, 2009Testing out Blogger's text to post feature. Not sure why you'd need the ability to blog while pooping, but I guess I could if I wanted to.at6/20/2009 01:20:00 PM0comments  Thursday, June 18, 2009Stephen Hawking Simpsons Quote of the DayI dont know which is a bigger disappointment - my failure to formulate a workable unified field theory, or you. - Dr. Steven Hawking(They Saved Lisas Brain, Season 10, Episode AABF18)at6/18/2009 11:17:00 AM0comments  Monday, April 13, 2009The 20 Best Alcohol-Related Simpsons Quotes of All Time. 20.[1F15] Bart Gets an Elephant Homer: Son, when you participate in sporting events, its not whether you win or lose: its how drunk you get.19.[5F03] Bart StarHomer: Got any of that beer that has candy floating in it? You know, Skittlebrau?18.[7G03] Homers Odyssey Homer: “Oh no! What have I done? I smashed open my little boys piggy bank, and for what? A few measly cents, not even enough to buy one beer. Wait a minute, lemme count and make sure... not even close.” 17. [4F22] The City of New York Vs. Homer Simpson Barney: “Ah thats just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk.”,vclip,26 16. [CABF04] Homer vs. Dignity Lenny: “Wow, I never seen you have so many lunch beers before, Homer.” 15. [KABF09] Papa Dont Leech Royce Lumpkin: “I better whisky up these corn flakes.“ 14. [CABF17] Simpsons Tall Tales Hobo: “And thanks to that little girl, today you can find applesin everything thats good: Apple wine, apple whiskey, apple schnapps, apple martinis, uh, Snapple with vodka in it, apple nail polish remover ...”Lisa: “Dont forget apple sauce.” Hobo: “Yeah ... I suppose you could grind some pills into it.” 13. [CABF03] The Great Money Caper Marge: “Id like to visit that Long Island place ... if only it were real.” 12. [5F18] Natural Born Kissers Homer: “Well, this time Im drunk on love... and beer. “ 11. [2F03] Treehouse of Horror V Homer: “No TV and no beer make Homer something something”Marge: “Go crazy?”Homer: “Dont mind if I do.”,vclip,37 10. [8F13] Homer at the Bat Umpire: “You cant leave first until you chug a beer, any man scoring has to chug a beer, you have to chug a beer at the top of all odd numbered innings. Oh and the fourth inning is the beer inning.” Cheif Wiggum: “Hey, we know how to play softball.”,vclip,74 9. [BABF21] Treehouse of Horror XI Lenny: Mmmm. Alcohol and night swimming. Its a winning combination! 8. [4F19] Homers Enemy Lenny: He had three beers at lunch. That would make anybody sleepy 7. [9F14] Duffless Homer: Marge, Im going to Moes. Send the kids to the neighbors, Im coming back loaded. 6. [1F20] Secrets of a Successful Marriage Homer: ”Remember when I took that home wine making course and I forgot how to drive? Marge: “Thats because you were drunk!” Homer: “And how.” 5. [9F14] Duffless Homer : When I was seventeen, I drank some very good beer, I drank some very good beer that I purchased with a fake ID, my name was Brian McGee, I stayed up listening to Queen. When I was seventeen. 4. [8F16] Bart the Lover Homer: Maybe its the beer talking Marge but youve got a butt that wont quit. They got these big chewy pretzels here . . . .^%&$`#^&*)$=(#beer&@~&. . . . .five dollars, get outta here. 3. [5F23] The Joy of Sect Homer: “Homer no function beer well without.”2.[9F14] DufflessHomer: “Son, a woman is a lot like a... a refrigerator. Theyre about six feet tall, 300 pounds. They make ice, and... um.. Oh, wait a minute. Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, youd step over your own mother just to get one! But you cant stop at one. You wanna drink another woman” 1. [4F15] Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment Homer: “To alcohol, the cause of and solution to all lifes problems. “ Labels:alcohol,Awesome,simpsonsat4/13/2009 01:56:00 PM5comments  Tuesday, March 24, 2009Urban CamouflageThose wacky Germans are at it again... this time theyre finding new and innovative ways of going undetected in todays modern urban environments. I hope to god our armed forces are aware of the kind of folder technology the Germans are developing and can only assume that it violates the Geneva convention (amongst others). As an art project I give this idea a C-, but as a top secret covert operation idea I give this a C+. Seriously, the next time Im shopping for folders, bags, or cardboard boxes Im going to think twice before blindly assuming that there isnt a large German in disguise just waiting to slit my throat.Check out the site for more top secret German training photos: 09:33:00 PM0comments  Friday, February 27, 2009Detective Conan: An Experiment in Googles Keyword ToolSo I recently discovered that this blog has a Google Pagerank of 3, which I found interesting considering how little time and effort I have put into it. Ive got just over 100 backlinks and for some reason get a couple of hits a day from Googles Image Search, but overall get somewhere between 0 and 5 hits a day. I realized that none of the things I talk about here get a decent amount of search volume, so I plugged a few things into Googles Adwords Keyword Tool which extimates search volume for any given keyword. Apparently theres some anime show called Conan Detective, or so Google told me. Well I also learned that there are somewhere around 165,000 searches every month for it. Hopefully simply mentioning this show will mean an exponential growth in traffic, Ill keep you posted.Check out the Adwords Keyword Tool here: 12:48:00 PM0comments  Saturday, February 21, 2009John Swartzwelders Earth vs. Everybody (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Frank Burly)In my mind there is no greater comedic mind alive (or dead) today than John Swartzwelder. For those of you who are not familiar, he is the writer of 59 Simpsons episodes (and worked on the Simpsons movie). Until I read his first novel The Time Machine Did It, I had never literally laughed out loud while reading a book before. Swartzwelder is a writers writer, perhaps even a writers writers writer.... perhaps. Well ol Johnny S. has gone and written another Frank Burly epic entitled Earth vs. Everybody that is due to hit shelves, internet shelves, in the Spring of 09. I could not be more excited and this time I have to buy the autographed version that Kennydale Books puts up on Ebay.As primitive and uninformative as their website is, Kennydale Books has an entire page listing all the Simpsons episodes that John penned. The list is a virtual whos who of awesome, classic Simpsons. You can check it out for yourself here:, but Ive decided to put my cut/paste feature to good use and illegally infringe on the copyright of Kennydale Books and any Kennydale Books subsidiaries by including it right here:(7G05) BART THE GENERAL(7G09 CALL OF THE SIMPSONS(7G11) LIFE ON THE FAST LANE(7G13) THE CREPES OF WRATH (with George Meyer, Sam Simon and Jon Vitti)(7F04) TREEHOUSE OF HORROR I (Bad Dream House)(7F01) TWO CARS IN EVERY GARAGE AND THREE EYES ON EVERY FISH (with Sam Simon)(7F09) ITCHY AND SCRATCHY AND MARGE(7F10) BART GETS HIT BY A CAR(7F20) THE WAR OF THE SIMPSONS(8F03) BART THE MURDERER(8F02) TREEHOUSE OF HORROR II (The creature from the 4th grade)(8F13) HOMER AT THE BAT(8F17) DOG OF DEATH(8F23) BROTHER, CAN YOU SPARE TWO DIMES?(9F03) ITCHY AND SCRATCHY: THE MOVIE(9F18) WHACKING DAY(9F19) KRUSTY GETS KANCELLED(1F01) ROSEBUD(1F09) HOMER THE VIGILANTE(1F11) BART GETS FAMOUS(1F15) BART GETS AN ELEPHANT(1F19) THE BOY WHO KNEW TOO MUCH(2F01) ITCHY & SCRATCHY LAND(2F09) HOMER THE GREAT(2F11) BARTS COMET(2F12) HOMIE THE CLOWN(2F17) RADIOACTIVE MAN(3F04) TREEHOUSE OF HORROR VI (Attack of the 50-foot eyesores)(3F12) BART THE FINK (teleplay, story by Bob Kushell)(3F14) HOMER THE SMITHERS(3F16) THE DAY THE VIOLENCE DIED(3F23) YOU ONLY MOVE TWICE(4F10) MOUNTAIN OF MADNESS(4F15) HOMER VS. THE EIGHTEENTH AMENDMENT(4F17) THE OLD MAN AND THE LISA(4F19) HOMERS ENEMY(5F01) THE CARTREIDGE FAMILY(5F09) BART CARNY(5F16) KING OF THE HILL(5F21) THE WIZARD OF EVERGREEN TERRACE(AABF04) HOMER SIMPSON IN: KIDNEY TROUBLE(AABF09) HOMER TO THE MAX(AAABF13) MAXIMUM HOMERDRIVE(AABF17) MONTY CANT BUY ME LOVE(BABF05) TAKE MY WIFE, SLEAZE(BABF08) THE MANSION FAMILY(BABF16) KILL THE ALLIGATOR AND RUN(BABF20) A TALE OF TWO SPRINGFIELDS(CABF02) THE COMPUTER WORE MENACE SHOES(CABF09) HUNGRY, HUNGRY HOMER(CABF13) SIMPSON SAFARI(CABF18) A HUNKA HUNKA BURNS IN LOVE(DABF07) THE LASTEST GUN IN THE WEST(DABF13) I AM FURIOUS (YELLOW)(DABF14) THE SWEETEST APU(DABF16) THE FRYING GAME(EABF09) MR. SPRITZ GOES TO WASHINGTON(EABF21) TREEHOUSE OF HORROR XIV (entire episode)(EABF22) THE REGINA MONOLOGUES And THE SIMPSONS MOVIEat2/21/2009 01:19:00 PM0comments  Monday, February 9, 2009To Obomicons: The cause of, and solution to, all of lifes problems!To Alcohol: The cause of, and solution to, all of lifes problems - Homer Jay SimpsonFor those of you who havent already heard about this site, its awesome. Just upload your own images, tweak the color levels and ta-da you have your very own Obamicon! Great if youre running for class president and want to remind everyone what a helluva guy you are or if you just want to make fun of former President Bush. Either way, this site is great for wasting hours upon hours of your precious time.at2/09/2009 12:10:00 PM0comments  Friday, November 7, 2008Episode IV: A New HopeHello Internet, my name is Brian, its been two months since my last post.So since my last post I have moved to a new city, which shall remain nameless, Im back to school and busy as hell with work.... S.E.O. tends to take a lot out of you (although were still bringing in somewhere around 2 million hits a month)... my wireless keyboard died and I have resorted to an archaic Microsoft brand keyboard from somewhere around Windows 3.1. We have a new President-Elect, but more importantly we have a new Futurama movie! Benders game is officially my favorite of the three movies so far released, the first one was more of a lets remind people about what Futurama is and Beast with a Billion Backs was sort of a lets write the craziest story we can think of and not put that many jokes in it but hope that science fiction fans will enjoy it because its all science fiction-y. This one feels like an extra long Futurama episode, packed with jokes and far less about Dungeons and Dragons that I thought it would be based on the preview.And for anyone who didnt buy it, but would rather download it completely illegally in damn-near-HD-quality for free check out this link (this is where I got it and its virus-free): 12:42:00 AM1 comments  Older PostsSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)About MeThe Exploding DetectiveView my complete profileLabelsAwesome(7)Milwaukee(3)matt groening(3)simpsons quote of the day(3)webcomic(3)Google(2)SEO(2)bender(2)futurama(2)simpsons(2)Alcoholism(1)Betrayal(1)Brett Favre(1)Family Circus(1)Famous People(1)Garfield(1)Handsome Pete(1)Magnigraph(1)Matt Cutts(1)Miller Brewing Company(1)Milwaukee Blog(1)Nerd(1)Nietzsche(1)Packers(1)Rocky Horror(1)Sensual Daydreams(1)Simpsonize(1)Social Commentary(1)Spam(1)Steven Hawking(1)Stock Footage(1)Wikipedia(1)Youtube(1)alcohol(1)what the duck(1)Blog Archive▼ 2009(9)▼ 07/26 - 08/02(1)ATandT Blocks 4chan, Will Regret it. ► 06/21 - 06/28(1)NASDAQ:GOOG - How To Get Listed In Google Finance ► 06/14 - 06/21(2)Testing out Blogger's text to post feature. Not su...Stephen Hawking Simpsons Quote of the Day ► 04/12 - 04/19(1)The 20 Best Alcohol-Related Simpsons Quotes of All... ► 03/22 - 03/29(1)Urban Camouflage ► 02/22 - 03/01(1)Detective Conan: An Experiment in Google's Keyword... ► 02/15 - 02/22(1)John Swartzwelder's Earth vs. Everybody (Or How I ... ► 02/08 - 02/15(1)To Obomicons: The cause of, and solution to, all o... ► 2008(20) ► 11/02 - 11/09(1)Episode IV: A New Hope ► 08/24 - 08/31(1)Youtube Sunshine ► 08/17 - 08/24(2)Futurama Quote of the DayGuess the Dictator/Sitcom Character ► 08/10 - 08/17(2)Custom Search ResultsCreate your own magnigraphs ► 08/03 - 08/10(1)Big-time Number One Garfield Comics! ► 07/27 - 08/03(2)Steven Hawking Simpsons Quote Of The DaySimpsons Quote Of The Day ► 07/20 - 07/27(5)Google PageRank UpdateSimpsons Quote Of The DaySpammer Gets 4 Years In Prison"Stock Footage"Compare Your Lives To Mine, Then Kill Yourselves. ► 07/13 - 07/20(3)Why Living in Milwaukee Will Turn Me Into An Alcoh...What the Duck?The 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