Country: Lebanon
The mission of the Syndicate is to establish a liaison between the agrifood traders to pool their efforts and information.
but1on.gif 68 18 0 NAMEImage1 ALTHomepagetellafriend.html ONMOUSEOUTMM_swapImgRestore();window.status;return true ONMOUSEOVERMM_swapImage(Image2,,but2on.gif,1);window.statusTELL A FRIEND;return truebut2off.gif 85 18 0 NAMEImage2 ALTTell a friendcontactus.html ONMOUSEOUTMM_swapImgRestore();window.status;return true ONMOUSEOVERMM_swapImage(Image3,,but3on.gif,1);window.statusCONTACT US;return truebut3off.gif 78 18 0 NAMEImage3 ALTcontact us b1off.jpg 148 23 0 NAMEImage4 ALTProfileb2off.jpg 148 22 0 NAMEImage5 ALTMission Statementb3off.jpg 148 22 0 NAMEImage6 ALTMembers and Commodities OBJECT CLASSIDclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 CODEBASE,0,0,0 148 187 ?? ??? ???????????????? ??? ?????? ???????????? ?? ???????????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ????????????????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ????????? ??? ???.????? ??????? ??????? ??? ????????? ???????? ? ???? ???? ???????? The Syndicate of Agrifood Traders in Lebanon embraces the major commodity traders in Lebanon. It unites their efforts and information to improve and develop agrifood trade.Agrifood trade is characterized by its considerable volume of business operations, which exceeds one third of the total Lebanese trade volume.The major commodities handled by agrifood traders are: rice, sugar, wheat and flour, cereals, edible oils, dried fruits and nuts, tea and coffee, canned food, spices and cardamoms, dried milk, animal feed, detergents and other chemical products.ULSTYLEfont-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana; New Board ElectedFruitful meeting with Canadian TradeOfficials.Negotiation with government yield tofreezing of Radiation Testing decree.Contact us at agrifood STYLEfont-size:8pt; COLORA63500join our newsletterAONCLICKreturn IsEmailAddress (document.Add.Email.value)HREFdocument.Add.submit(); Copyright copy; 2002 All Rights Reserved. Legal Terms amp; Conditions. Designed amp; Developed by netways.gif 51 13 0 ALIGNMIDDLE HSPACE4 Last Updated : February 1st 2006
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International Advertising Association Lebanon
Association of Lebanese Industrialists
Syndicate of Lebanese Food Industries