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Business Listing of Sidon Excavation

Sidon Excavation

Country: Lebanon

Excavations on the site of the ancient city of Sidon monitored by the Directorate General of Antiquities of Lebanon and the British Museum.

AlthoughSidon was certainly one of the most important coastal towns of ancientPhoenicia, and is referred to in Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian andGreek sources, we have little information about the topography of thecity in ancient times... our ignorance about ancient Sidon stems fromthe fact that there has been relatively little excavation.Dr.John Curtis, Keeper of the Department of the Ancient Near East at theBritish MuseumExcavatingin Sidon would not have been possible without the help and support ofthe Lebanese Directorate General of Antiquities and we are very gratefulto its Director, Mr. Frederic Husseini, for his outstanding support.

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