Fanoos >Bella Riva Suite Hotel

Business Listing of Bella Riva Suite Hotel

Bella Riva Suite Hotel

Country: Lebanon

Located in Manara, Beirut, Lebanon. Overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Offers spacious, comfortable and affordable accommodations for long and short-term stays.

Special OffersLocationRestaurantsHotel featuresRooms Room Rates Virtual toursTourism Overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, the Bella Riva Suite Hotel offers spacious, comfortable and affordable accommodations for long and short- term stays, in addition to one of the largest penthouses in BeirutBella Riva, Caracas Str., Manara, Beirut, Lebanon, Postal Code: 2036-3315 Tel: 961.1.754343, 961.3.640894 Fax:961.1.754349Email: info bellarivahotel.comPowered by Swelpix -2006

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