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Maguy Farah 2011 Horoscopes

Maguy Farah 2011 Horoscopes

This is an overview of Maguy Farah's 2011 Horoscopes Book. Maguy is the most famous astrologist in the Arab World, and her books are sold in millions every year. If you would like to know what your year is going to be like, make sure to check our quick summary of her 2011 horoscopes predictions and interpretations.

According to Farah's studies, the year 2011 is in general a year of difficult dangers and dramatic alterations/revolutions, starting on 22nd January. Jupiter enters into Aries in opposition to Saturn (in Libra), which means war, revolutions, unexpected situations etc... This gets worse when Uranus enters Aries on 11 March, creating a quartet with previous two in addition to Pluto (in Capricorn). There will be even more scandals that previous year (like wikileaks).The optimum level is reached in April, which is a very difficult period for the world, with big events. On 4 June the situation calms down , a bit of problems still in July, but then the situation comes back down to normal.

In the Chinese Horoscope, 2011 is the year of the Cat, a year of diplomacy and negotiations, a year during which the fate of many people will change. This is also the year for justice, but it was in a similar year that two American presidents died Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. The Lebanese civil war began in 1975, also in the year of the cat. The war in Vietnam ended in the year of the cat. This year could therefore signal the beginning or the end of wars in the world.

In 2011, the Zodiac signs that have the best year and breakthroughs include Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces.Taurus is not bad either...

If you are not sure what your astrological sign is, refer to your month and day of birth and search below accordingly.

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

Unexpected events will shake your path Aries, especially in the first half of the year. New directions, Change in job/career, etc. You have to stay alert during this period. International organizations or foreign governments to play a big role in your destiny, or you might travel a lot. A very unusual year indeed. On a personal level you will be healed if ill, will get married/engaged if single. Because Uranus enters Aries there will be some sort of detachment: divorce, temporarily split from a relationship, or leave for another country for a while due to an unexpected event etc. some relationships will be put on hold for a while. In March, good news related to the affairs of the heart and love, maybe love on first sight? Possibly marriage in August. November is also a very romantic period, in case you miss the two previous chances. There is a period of success when it comes to business, projects or work. The second half of the year will be less exciting, so take advantage of the first few months!

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

A year of positive changes and evolutions. Your horoscope will give you lots of gifts during this exciting year. Good news related to personal life, which will give you power. Contact with the foreign world, projects abroad or distant lands, will accomplish an old dream, your skills or accomplishments will be recognized abroad, get high positions, success or big profits. Will search for novelty, and what is new or hidden… a change in your personality or behavior. Starting from March , unexpected changes. Between April and August, you will discover some hidden truth or there are things/ decisions you will announce. You will take a decision calmly and wisely without hurry. You might get a promotion, or take on a high position or responsibility…with success. Saturn will be positioned in Libra, so this means new projects, experiences and prosperity, but also could mean a plan or project gets postponed. Unusual experiences, will have good luck and good news on personal level, fruitful relationship (business or personal) or travel. 4 June is a turning point which is the start of a nice period till the year 2012. You could get marriage if engaged, or fruitful relationship to look into. May-June, and August -September represent good periods. Overall it will be an Exceptional year.

Gemini (May 21- Jun 20)

After 4 to 7 years of unease, this year will finally bring freedom and a new strong start! The cloudy sky will settle down at last. Uranus has left the quadrate in your Zodiac sign, and is no longer in Pisces. And Saturn also leaves Virgo after staying there for more than 2 and half years. Jupiter in 22 January will leave you, Uranus will follow in March. The year will start on a positive and clear term, and will start getting better in March. You will enter a remarkable astronomical cycle in your favor. You will forget the past. Big accomplishments. Best year to build good and strong foundations for a prosperous future. You will feel relieved. You will get that position u dreamed of, or accomplish your projects, you have new horizons. Starting in March you will get back something /rights you had lost, or might also return to somewhere that you left and that was close to your heart. Suddenly all the doors are open, new opportunities…if u dream of a trip you will get it, if you dream of a relationship you will get to your goal etc. you will receive all that is new, new people, romance, new projects etc. You are fighting for an ideal, and will achieve most of your goals between 22 January and 4 June, that is the best period. Artistic or literary achievements, higher studies, spirituality, social studies, philosophy, social affairs , travels, world children, technological advancements, large companies, all could have a relation to you this year. This year will also bring you gentlemen agreements or solutions, showing temperance and nobility on your part. You have love and settlement this year. You generally like high positions and prominent roles; so you might also find yourself getting closer to important figures or VIPs, either for personal or professional reasons.

Cancer (Jun 21- Jul 22)

This is the year of big or difficult challenges, and you must watch out during the first 5 months! It is true that this year will give you professional success, recognition and profits, but all these will cost you a lot of extra efforts, you might face a strong opposition, a strike, a revolution, etc., complex or unexpected situation places you in a challenge, where you will have to win your opponent or overcome a situation to succeed. There is a strong planetary opposition to you between February and April, difficult period. You have to watch out, or make concessions. First few months will bring a lot of contradictions, could change your destiny as you will get an opportunity to do so. You will have to uncover a conspiracy or masquerade, and you might leave a position a job or place to follow a different path or a new place. Unexpected change professionally, you might be waiting for something but a different thing will occur, a change in your relationship to a reference, a boss, an authority, a management, a government etc. Cancer will live through changes this year, new horizons, but this will not happen gently and without conflicts. Starting on 5 June, things will calm down as Jupiter will move to Taurus. You will get your energy back, and will know what to do and when to do it: You will find your solutions then, will get engaged or find your half, or will get that job. If you faced judicial problems during the first months, you will break free during this period. If you faced health issues, you will discover the reasons or remedies during this period. You might leave a place that was important to you. A weak or falling relationship will end, making way for a new one. Last 4 months of the year will give your breakthroughs. New ambiance will begin in March, with important attractions. February brings serious relationship or marriage. High probability of marriage during that period, and also a possibility for good relationships in November and December.

Leo (Jul 23- Aug 22)

This year you will shine Leo. Your ambitions will take you far, and you will exercise your influence, power, and different talents during the first 5 months. You might change your destiny even if you don’t foresee this or plan it. The situations will come and change your path. This year will be positive until June, especially starting 22 January. You will radiate more on 11 March when Uranus gets to Aries, and all the planets are on our side. Saturn will be in Libra, and this will give your work recognition, or you will be placed in a high position of power. This is the time for change. Your life will change this year. It is also a very promising year on a personal level, until autumn. There is a new love or love at first sight, advancement in an existing one or a renewed old relationship. Between April and August, change in destiny, might discover love in a foreign country. Starting in June Jupiter moves to Taurus, and your glow will decrease. You will therefore have to watch out for your health, personal relationships and family..You might have frictions with the law, or if you had neglected people, regulations or breached laws you will face problems during this period. So don’t let your success or unstoppable energy at the beginning of the year blind you ;)

Virgo (Aug 23- Sep 22)

The planets this year will move in your favor, after years of struggle to finally give you great triumphs. Big changes await you. Your year is divided into 3 parts. First one till June, that brings you many new things.. Maybe Uranus had forced you in the past out of a position, a company or a job, but this year will be a closure of the past and a new beginning towards a new horizon, especially starting in April. A different life, new financial opportunities and new offers await you in the world of travel, advertising, media, marketing, higher education and university, in addition to judiciary and legislative issues. The next phase begins when Jupiter enters Taurus in 4 June, which brings success, victory, and happiness. Between June and September, circumstances occur in your favor. This will bring good fortune and unexpected financial profits, travel..If waiting for something specific to happen, might take place suddenly during this period. If you were single for example and hoping for a relationship or had lost hope, you might get married or engaged unexpectedly this year. You will find the perfect partner. New home or purchase of a new place…maybe pregnancy, prosperity.. Jupiter will bring you an inheritance or a big financial gain from selling overpriced real estate, or maybe getting an unexpected financial aid. This will go in crescendo after September and till the end of the year. You will climb up the ladder and find yourself at the top where you wanted, with an added self confidence.

Libra (Sep 23- Oct 22)

The year of sudden revolutions. This year you have Saturn in your sign(leaving Virgo), which usually visits you every 30 years and stays approximately 2 and a half years. A bit heavy, Saturn will put you to the test, will fight you, and put you in difficult situations etc. but you will come out wiser and more experienced. Your life will be shambled upside down, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. You might face conflicts with partners, allies or opponents..marital frictions, lawsuits, divorce, end of agreement or contract(personal or professional), unexpected decisions, change in job or home, a review of a situation that you thought for a long time was stable..But don’t lose hope as there could also be counter offers. Starting 11 March Uranus enters Aries, which will be very influential on your personal life. Change in destiny. You might end a partnership, a change, end or beginning of a romance/marriage. You might be forced to live a certain change at some level, where you will have to cope with a new or difficult situation, especially in April which is a very difficult time during which your eyes might be in tears. Try to overcome this phase as in June, when Jupiter enters Taurus, you will get good financial gains and profits. Your situation will slightly improve. You might change your home or job. You might lose a friend or relative after a long struggle, or face stressful family issues. But there is also a possible very passionate love affair and maybe even a quick marriage.. but followed by a quicker divorce ;)

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21)

This is the year for liaisons and solid engagements. Very positive astrological and planetary positions..Jupiter will leave you for Aries, but this won’t bother you all that much. You are mostly stable all throughout the year unlike others. Without the help of anyone, you will work by yourself for long months and be pushed to the top. Pluto, which will enter Pisces for 4 month from April to August before moving to Aquarius, will bring you reassurance. Act fast during the first few months of the year, fast decisions, positive attitude, you will show rich energies or discover your hidden talents. Evolutions in your favor to take place suddenly, you might get a promotion, a new job or will go back to an old position. You will undergo a recalculation phase: If you were unhappy in your personal life, this is an occasion to take the step and clear out. You might also leave a job you did not like or in which u felt trapped. You will do things you did not have the guts to do before. You tend to look for new things. Someone will back you in a fight against an authority figure or party. You actually enjoy a certain popularity or stardom, and affect others with your charm and charisma. You will jump from relation to relation, and might have a relationship with a rich person or you will receive expensive gifts. You might live an unusual romance. Starting in June, the opportunities will decrease so you should cease them during the first 6 months preferably :)

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

This is a very promising year, filled with excitement and happy events. You will finally dispose of the burden the astrological oppositions were causing during the previous 7 years. This is a positive year for your career, new opportunities will arise. During the first 6 months you could have a new relationship, engagement, marriage, or something new in your life something you weren’t thinking of. This year will bring you great surprises, starting 22 January, and will even better in March and up until 4 June. After that, you will go into a period where you shall harvest all that you had worked for. Some projects might take you on trips abroad, you might get a promotion, change, profits, start something new, marriage or love affair but should watch out of ‘emotional fraud’ , a cheating partner or you might fall in love with a weird character who is not in touch with reality or lives far away. But you will access a higher social class in one way or another. If you do not settle down in a serious relationship during the first 6 months then your following relationships will be adventures from one partner to the next. You will take advantage of an ultimate luck, and get what you want at the very last minute or unexpectedly. Or will find a way out of your problems as if your guardian angel interferes to help guide you :)

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)

A very difficult year with confusing trials and tribulations, heavy tolls and unexpected situations... but you will overcome all this. Life is filled with obstacles anyway, and what matters the most is that you stand up again after you fall, not that you don’t fall at all, right Capricorn??! (This is where you nod in approval lol) The year will begin with an eclipse in Capricorn on 4 January and dissonance between Jupiter and Uranus. You will go through many crises, which you will have to face with courage. You have to arrange your affairs with calm until 4th June, then the situation will change. If you had committed mistakes at an earlier stage, you will now have to pay the consequences, be judged or will have to pay the price, or have to answer to someone etc. This is a year of challenges so don’t take any miscalculated moves, and you have to show discipline. There could also be a marriage or unexpected pregnancy or change..a return to the past (person or situation). Unexpected situations starting 11 March ,passing thru April till 4 June, might be asked to take a job abroad, or resign from your current job, might begin a treatment, sell a home or land, … The detente and relaxed period will take place during the last 3 months of the year. Like magic, everything will change and you will start to feel in a more secure place. In June the pressure will go down, change of situation after October with the involvement of a foreign party , either you travel or someone comes in from abroad, or an international organization that was involved in the previous situation will give you a new offer, which will be something very positive. On a personal level and in love, you will face a critical situation up until the summer. You will either put an end to a relationship that is not satisfying you anymore, or relationships that began earlier this year will get stumbled. In the second half of the year, the situation will be nicer to you. Maybe start a new relationship, and possibly marriage at the beginning of following year. Exciting rendezvous and love affairs in May, love reconciliations in August if there were any previous complications. Exceptional relational events towards the end of the year, and overall a year filled with unusual changes.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

This year will bring you a renewed start in which you will have to take important decisions. You have new and encouraging horizons ahead. The planets will support you in calmly controlling all the situations you shall be faced with, to begin a new life after a phase of hesitations. The first 5 months are decisive, and there will be many surprises. This year you will be lucky in your fate, and will accomplish that dream you have had for a long while now. You will slip out of trouble. Your strong sixth sense will guide you. You might be confronted with obstacles, but you will know what to do. You will settle your debts or make profits. Starting in February, a new astrological cycle will begin, favorable for change, renewal, travel, etc. In 4 June the situation will drop slightly, because you will settle in your new position. But you would have taken the previous time to study your moves and take the necessary decisions, so now you can begin carrying out your missions. You will find your happiness in these new experiences, projects or relationships. You will consider or seek the family’s opinions in your decisions, or might look to settle down with a partner or have a pregnancy. This year you will be faced with big dues, decisions or challenges. In the second half of the year you will show more commitment and dedication, as opposed to the first half where you will be undergoing change or be on the move.. Between 1-27 March, and between July -August will be a good phase for marriage, settlements, engagements etc. Many of you this year will have an unusual story or accomplishments that were not regular, but there will also be adventures. If you are looking for a serious engagement, this will happen in the second half of the year, as the first half will be less stable like was explained before. But with change will come positive surprises.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

This year will bring you many good and new opportunities. Last year was very positive too, but in case you missed out of them you will get new ones this year too. Starting 4 June you will start to accomplish your goals. Uranus will leave you in 11 March(after 7 years), and Jupiter will also visit Aries, so this will mean profits for you and new financial opportunities, and changes in spring; maybe a promotion or a new job or better position, new company, the world will change around you…and maybe an influential person will play a role in your life in that regard. You will receive encouragements and support to enter a new terrain with confidence or larger projects. A phase you hadn’t lived before, you will take part in many activities, financial investments, summits, seminars, you might write a book or compose music, or accomplish an artistic project you were thinking of, travel or discover things you never knew before, etc. Exciting or sudden changes, unplanned developments..Maybe you will enter a real estate venture this year..the more you get towards the end of the year especially 4 June the more you will approach a long lasting stability. Change in marital status or affairs of the heart, the summer and autumn will bring you new relationships, and exciting emotional experiences. You might meet someone that will change your life (could also be professional).

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