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Perpetual Refugee Blog

Country: Lebanon

A Blog managed by a Lebanese refugee talking about his own experiences and problems.

Notify Blogger about objectionable content. What does this meanSend As SMSBlogThisThe Perpetual RefugeeRebuilding Lebanon. Stone by stone. Word by word. Brothers and sisters. United. So that there will be no more Lebanese perpetual refugees ever again.Saturday, September 30, 2006sticks and stones She was buried amidst an outpouring of grief in her southern Christian village. One week after being brutally murdered. Bured in at least 3 pieces. They couldnt find the left hemisphere of her head. The right hemisphere was placed haphazardly where it was thought it belonged. The casket was closed. Her two children were still in shock. As was her village. She wasnt supposed to die this way. Low-thirties. Escaping to the north of the country during what was supposed to be a safe period. The IAF didnt care. They killed her anyways. He was buried amidst an outpouring of joy. Or so they told me. This is what he was born to accomplish. Or so they told me. Late 20s. Educated. Smart. Nice guy. Hezbollah fighter. Nobody knew he was a fighter. I sure didnt. He didnt seem fanantical. He didnt push Nasrallahs views on the people around him. But he believed in something I didnt. And died defending those views. Supposedly in my name. And the millions of other Lebanese. He died a martyr. I didnt attend any of the funerals. I didnt know these two all that well. But I knew them from afar. Two different stories. Two different paths. Two different deaths. Each affecting me in different ways.While bombs rockets rained on the north, east, west and south, killing all in their path, I lobbed words. Emotions. Frustration. Trying to portray how an injustice was seen in the eyes of someone who was directly affected by its consequences. In return, I was attacked. People were hurt by what I wrote. Not bothering to understand what it was I saw. Family members left homeless. Acquantances killed. My country left in tatters. All because the rules of the game changed.If conflicts were existent exclusively in blogs, made up of only words, then humanity would have evolved to its full potential. But its not the case. Bullets are the means in which we deal with conflicts. And innocent people die as a result. I dont care if people were hurt by my words. At least my hands are clean. I dont care if people were hurt by what it is I wrote. My conscience is clear. I didnt kill. I didnt sanction murder. I didnt support it on either side. I still dont. Nor will I ever.Im committed to help in the rebuilding of my country. To bring hope to who I can. And in the meantime, Ill continue writing. And if the words hurt, try and remember what I wrote just a few months earlier. And try to understand what could have caused these lines on the screen. I dont apologize for what I write. To anyone. Im back. Whether you like it or not.posted by the perpetual refugee 7:51 PM22 commentslinks to this post Sunday, August 06, 2006Trailer - If Americans Only Knewposted by the perpetual refugee 12:17 PM51 comment

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