Fanoos >ITF Lebanon Schagha School of Taekwon-Do

Business Listing of ITF Lebanon Schagha School of Taekwon-Do

ITF Lebanon Schagha School of Taekwon-Do

Country: Lebanon

Includes information about Taekwon-do, the association, the instructors, events and more.

?War Artists? since the word ?Martial? comes from the Latin ?Martialis? of Mars,God of War. However, our war techniques are put at the disposal of the most deprived ones and our strengths are united under one and only banner: Social Peace.Taekwon-Do nourishes the body and the soul with the principles and values that cannot but enrich society with strong and proud people and yet charitable and lenient. Mr. Gaby Abousleiman with General Choi Hong Hi in BudapestDeveloped by Analyse IT

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