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Business Listing of Basil Fuleihan Foundation

Basil Fuleihan Foundation

Country: Lebanon

Aims to promote public policies, accelerate economic development and to encourage improvements in public service.

Trade Liberalization In The Arab World:Multilateralism versus Regionalism Basil Fuleihan Innovative Good Governance AwardSupported by LDM ABOUT THE AWARD SUBMIT YOUR RESEARCH PRIZES JURY MEMBERS FAQNOTE: Due to the current and ongoing crisis in Lebanon, the July 15th application deadline for the Basil Fuleihan Innovative Good Governance Award has been indefinitely postponed. The competition will take place as planned at such a time when the situation in Lebanon has stabilized. Once the competition has been re-scheduled, the new dates will be posted on this website.Welcome to our WebsiteDr. Basil Fuleihan believed in his country, Lebanon. He worked diligently toward the progress and development of Lebanon, and we want his work to continue, his dreams to come true, his ideas to be realized and his vision to be fulfilled. The seeds of progress that he sowed need to be nurtured to blossom and bear fruits for future generations. This is why we have the Basil Fuleihan Foundation, a non-profit organization that will continue the legacy of his work for a better future for Lebanon and the Lebanese. The Basil Fuleihan Foundation will develop solutions to broad-based social and economic problems, and sponsor research and other projects in the fields of public policy, public service, reform, transparency and good governance, with the aim of accelerating economic growth and development. AnnouncementsThe Basil Fuleihan Foundation wishes to let the Lebanese people know that they are in our hearts and our prayers during these disastrous times, and we join all of you in our desire to see the lasting end of this conflict as soon as possible. Violence and hatred will never help us to claim our existence and we should all remember that we are but passing through this life on earth, and the brief time we spend here should be as harmonious and peaceful as possible. To help where we can, until such a time that we can actually make a difference on the ground, we have created a new section of the Foundation website dedicated to posting emails from our readers. We encourage you to email us your thoughts, frustrations, opinions, solutions, and messages of support for the people of Lebanon who are suffering so greatly.Click here to send your thoughtsDisclaimer: Emails may be edited for clarity and length. June 21, Consumer Protection Law:The Basil Fuleihan Foundation will participate in a workshop held during the Lebanon Opportunities annual conference on June 21st at the Dbayeh Conference Center. The Consumer Protection Law, which was authored by Dr. Fuleihan, will be the subject of the special session dedicated to the late Minister and MP.--marquee idtheTextMarqueescrollamount2width100%height20classarabicText scrolldelay5 stylepadding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-top: 4px bgcolor#EAEFEAThe Basil Fuleihan Foundation will participate in a workshop held during the Lebanon Opportunities annual conference on June 21st at the Dbayeh Conference Center. The Consumer Pro

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