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Ana Min Beirut

Country: Lebanon

A Blog with thoughts and feelings about life in Beirut, Lebanon.

Notify Blogger about objectionable content. What does this meanSend As SMSBlogThisAna Min BeirutThoughts and feelings about life in Beirut, Lebanon, the Middle East and Planet Earth under Globalization.Thursday, October 05, 2006Another Thought If ALL babies are cute...How come there are so many obnoxious people aroundWhat the hell happened posted by Ana Min Beirut 8:14 AM3 commentsFriday, September 29, 2006Are we done yet Like Hell we are … My alter-ego in the blogosphere wrote an article recently putting men into categories. This is after we exchanged a few rallies of articles about Men/Women relationships and other current calamitiesSo without further a due let’s get into the heart of it.At the beginning of her article Maya NYC wrote:“In the morning, the reflection in my bathroom mirror is just a façade. It carries nothing in it. Just shapes, colors, forms. I am not there. I am in someone’s mind, on someone’s thoughts, in someone’s heart. In someone’s eyes.”I respect that, after all this is a typical woman’s approach to her morning bathroom ritual.For us men, that experience is much much less philosophical or existential if you want.Of course we do look at the mirror to size up the shape of that ever growing gut and we pat it in and out trying to make it disappear or we can just turn half-way so that the angle is such that we see no gut. Of course we do stand and flex those muscles and say to ourselves: “Damn, those muscles put that Schwarzenegger dude to shame”.Another aspect of our morning bathroom ritual, and women living with men can relate to this, is the noise factorYep, it comes with the package I am sorry. That “Bayd Bi Awarma and Mkanek wou Soujouk(1)” dinner we feasted on yesterday with the guys has to find an exit somewhere after digestion and with us men all outlets are fair game … especially in the morning in the privacy of that bathroom.I mean this is so deadly that I am proposing as a fight against global terror to send some of the guys I know to hunt down Bin Laden in those tricky caves he hides in. Americans may have used Agent Orange in their chemical warfare in Vietnam but in our approach we will use “Agent Mkanek” to biochemically blow that sucker into oblivion… Too bad I don’t agree with this neo-con administration and I am leaving my plan for the next one.Now let’s get into the fun part of categorizing women just as Maya did in categorizing men.First, she mentioned that some men make women feel like objects. Well, my first category is then of course: Candy.Now, the subject of Candy has been discussed in sufficient details on this blog and we nearly missed a third world war and I personally came so close to loosing a good friend. I will not go into more Candy related matters but I will leave it specifically to my female readership, to enlighten me in particular and all the male readership in general on this question: If Candies are rampant all around why do you blame some men if they treated women as objects I mean what

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