Fanoos >Ajialouna Lebanese Organization

Business Listing of Ajialouna Lebanese Organization

Ajialouna Lebanese Organization

Country: Lebanon

Nonprofit organization dedicated to educational, health and social welfare.

H OME Our belief is that every human being has a mission in life.This belief which we at Ajialouna express through welfare and charity work springs from our reverence and gratitude to the Almighty for his infinite generosity and kindness.The Foundations on which Ajialouna has been building these past seven years are sustained by contributors, volunteers and recipients linked by trust, and motivated by generosity.Through teamwork and sincere efforts of volunteer ladies, we have developed our social services network to its current status, aiding an accumulated database of needy people. The challenge at the present time is to promote the status of those people from being mere recipients of charity to useful and active members within society.We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to all individuals, groups and big companies who have contributed a great deal whether financially or with their precious time, experience and other resources to help alleviate the suffering of orphans, windows and needy families.We have great hopes in a brighter future that will always guide Ajialouna to the ultimate good. Your continuous support will no doubt help us reach this goal.Developed by ABEO

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