Country: Lebanon
Non-governmental, non-profit organization aims at streaming the contracting activities and coordinating between contractors andvernment.
Architecture, Engineeringand Construction Index? Studies--msimagelist----msimagelist----msimagelist--The Lebanese Contractors #146; Syndicate is a non-governmental, non-profit organization regrouping almost 2153 contractors most of them are active in the country.--msimagelist----msimagelist----msimagelist--The Syndicate has the purpose of streaming the contracting activities and of coordinating between contractors and Government in a common bid for a sustained and efficient social and economical development.--msimagelist----msimagelist----msimagelist--The ultimate goal of the Lebanese Contractors #146; Syndicate is to give Lebanese contractors a more important role in the elaboration of national economic policy where healthy competition generates growth and development.--msimagelist----msimagelist-- Corniche du fleuve Victoria Tower BLDG., 5th Floor Tel: 01/612933-4P.O.Box 11-6818 E-mail : info Designed By Lynx Internet 1999 All rights Reserved
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International Advertising Association Lebanon
Association of Lebanese Industrialists
Syndicate of Lebanese Food Industries